PREPARE/ENRICH Couples Counseling

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As a PREPARE/ENRICH facilitator, I help couples strengthen and revitalize their relationship. Whether you are preparing to commit, or have been married for decades, the PREPARE/ENRICH program is customizable to your specific relationship.

Six Goals of the PREPARE/ENRICH Program

• Explore your relationship’s strength and growth areas

• Strengthen each partner’s communication skills

• Identify and manage life’s major stressors

• Provide knowledge of effective conflict resolution using the Ten Step Model

• Develop a more balanced relationship using the Couple and Family Maps

• Increase understanding of personality differences and maximize teamwork

How would the PREPARE/ENRICH program support my relationship?

Understanding Begins with Assessment

Before beginning the P/E program with the help of your facilitator, you and your partner will complete the online assessment. This questionnaire is designed to assess each partner’s individual characteristics, both family of origins’ interactional styles, and the relationships’ strength and growth areas.

Increases Awareness

The results of an assessment provide insights to your relationship.  Research has shown the act of taking the P/E assessment improves relationship quality and brings increased awareness across multiple aspects of the relationship.

Assesses Your Relationship

P/E covers various areas within the relationship including communication, conflict resolution, finances, and spiritual beliefs.  In addition, the assessment will explore your personality, family of origin, and relationship dynamics.  Over 30 customized categories, such as previous marriage and expecting a child, ensure your experience with your results will feel accurate and relevant to your relationship.

Reduces Your Risk for Divorce

Research has shown that taking the P/E assessment prior to marriage reduces your risk for divorce by 30%.

Encourages Discussion

P/E will help you celebrate your strengths as a couple and use them to gain momentum in the growth areas of your relationship.  The assessment primes you to have meaningful conversations as you continue to grow as a couple.

Enhances Your Relationship Skills

P/E provides skill-building exercises to help you strengthen your relationship.  Developing skills such as assertive communication and active listening will allow you to support growth in all areas of your relationship.

Please check out the PREPARE/ENRICH website for more information on the program’s evidence-based, empirically validated origins, and scientific research.